Tuesday, 22 February 2011

That time again...

Birthdays are a blessing, the more you have the luckier you are.
I hope I never take them for granted and make the most of each day between them. I hope to share many more with my beautiful family and friends. And I hope with each one I become a better person, wiser, smarter, more reliable and more loving.


Friday, 18 February 2011

This government is for turning

Today I received an email from the campaign group 38 Degrees congratulating me on being part of the 'Save the Forests’ petition that saw the government change its mind about selling off forestry to private companies. Now I must confess under normal circumstances I’m not particularly a tree person, besides running through the woods playing 40-40 home in the middle of Dulwich when I was in primary school I can’t honestly say that I’ve truly had the chance to explore the forests that so many people hold dear. But that is not to say that I don’t ever hope enjoy a little picnic in some sort of Sherwood Forest equivalent at some point, (I was going to say Farthing Woods but soon remembered that was a kid’s TV show when I was younger!)
It just proves that there really is strength in numbers, as recent events in Tunisia and Egypt have so poignantly pointed out, and I am proud to say that I was part of the government’s turning! Now all we have to do is protect the NHS, reopen local libraries and block a Murdoch media takeover…be part of the movement!


Tuesday, 8 February 2011

So much for this "Big Society"

So yesterday my sister had a little accident...she fell UP the escalator! It was already incredibly embarrassing for her but what made it worse was that nobody around her bothered to lend a helping hand. They just looked on and walked past like she was some crazy that enjoys tumbling then clawing up escalators!
The saddest thing was that I wasn't even surprised when she told me as I too have suffered a few mishaps in public and received little to no sympathy, I mean people don't even say 'bless you' when you sneeze these days!
We've all become so absorbed in ourselves that we don't know how to respond to each other, even in times of need. I don't know whether it's the increase in technology that has led us to forget how to interact person to person, if so social networks have a lot to answer for. Or perhaps we’re just naturally evolving into selfish beings, (I hope this isn't the case as I like to think that deep down we’re all good and giving people!)
Whatever it is I hope we fix it because if Call-me-Dave puts his "Big Society" into action my sister won't be the only one falling flat on her face.


Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Spot the cock-up anyone?

OK so we all know that Fox news is pants, I tried to think of a witty comparison but found there is actually nothing quite as bad as what Fox is to news-(I must confess I do enjoy the odd “Who’s the baby daddy” on Maury). This week they managed to look even more imbecilic after they concocted some strange map of the Middle East. Please see below.

And just to add they've put Egypt where Iraq should actually be which is pretty ironic as you would have thought that of all countries in the Middle East they'd know where Iraq is!
Go figure, as they say in the States.