Friday, 18 February 2011

This government is for turning

Today I received an email from the campaign group 38 Degrees congratulating me on being part of the 'Save the Forests’ petition that saw the government change its mind about selling off forestry to private companies. Now I must confess under normal circumstances I’m not particularly a tree person, besides running through the woods playing 40-40 home in the middle of Dulwich when I was in primary school I can’t honestly say that I’ve truly had the chance to explore the forests that so many people hold dear. But that is not to say that I don’t ever hope enjoy a little picnic in some sort of Sherwood Forest equivalent at some point, (I was going to say Farthing Woods but soon remembered that was a kid’s TV show when I was younger!)
It just proves that there really is strength in numbers, as recent events in Tunisia and Egypt have so poignantly pointed out, and I am proud to say that I was part of the government’s turning! Now all we have to do is protect the NHS, reopen local libraries and block a Murdoch media takeover…be part of the movement!


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